Victorville Prosecutor Deena Pribble Receives Award for Excellence

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Congratulations to Deputy District Attorney Deena Pribble, a prosecutor in the Victorville Family Violence Unit, who recently received San Bernardino County’s Public Service Recognition Award for Excellence.

In addition to working in the courtroom to protect victims and punish offenders, Deena has fostered relationships with local domestic violence shelters and has provided four state mandated DV trainings for the Family Assistance Program. She also coaches the Oak Hills High School School Mock Trial team and was the driving force behind Law Day at Oak Hills High School.

Congratulations, Deena! Thank you for all you do to protect victims' rights and inspire our students in the First District.


Congratulations to Deputy District Attorney Deena Pribble, a prosecutor in the Victorville Family Violence Unit, who recently received San Bernardino County’s Public Service Recognition Award for Excellence.

In addition to working in the courtroom to protect victims and punish offenders, Deena has fostered relationships with local domestic violence shelters and has provided four state mandated DV trainings for the Family Assistance Program. She also coaches the Oak Hills High School School Mock Trial team and was the driving force behind Law Day at Oak Hills High School.

Congratulations, Deena! Thank you for all you do to protect victims' rights and inspire our students in the First District.